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Bee Happy, Bee Kind

Etched Bee Glasses


Patricia Sepp
July 8, 2022

Bee Happy, Bee Kind, Bee Sweet, and Bee Grateful!

I enjoy finding “bargains” with the idea of etching something on the item(s) or changing the design a bit to make it unique.

While shopping at Ross, I was looking over in the clearance section, and I found 4 of the cutest “bee” drinking glasses (5 1/2” tall) marked down to $4.00. They were in perfect shape, so I bought them. Ironically, I found a vase (50% off) in Goodwill that had horizontal lines like in the glassware. The surfaces for this whole project cost $6.50 (+tax) – how great is that??!!

Here are the steps I used

Step 1

Using Etchall® creme I etched the horizontal line areas and left the creme on for 15 min.  Since I set down the glasses vertically, I just kept checking to make sure the creme did not slide down too far to its base as it was etching.  (Photo 3 is the front side with the oval with bee covered, Photo 4 is the backside with the lines.)

Step 2

After 15 minutes I removed the extra etching creme and replaced it in the jar. I washed off the excess creme, removed the vinyl, and cleaned and dried the glasses.

Step 3

This is the same process with the vase.  Here I covered the areas with blue masking tape and made sure it was tight against the vase.  Note how the Etchall® creme is sliding downwards.  I just had to keep an eye on it and make sure the lines were still covered.

Step 4

Here are the 4 finished bee glasses etched.This is one finished glass and the vase.

Step 5

To decorate, I added yellow napkins, and found some bee shapes, chalkboard tags, and flowers in the Dollar Store.  I added the Bee sayings on each chalkboard tag with a white gel pen. Enjoy the rest of your summer!  ….and Bee Happy, Bee Kind, Bee Sweet, and Bee Grateful for all of our blessings!

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