etchall® is the only product of its kind that can etch designs on LARGE vertical surfaces that cannot be laid down flat such as windows and doors. For large projects such as these, we highly recommend you contact us for consultation to discuss what you would like to do and how much product you will need.
DISCLAIMER: This information is given as a guide to the application of this product. Since B&B Products, Inc. or any of its agents have no control over actual applications, they cannot be held liable for any unsatisfactory finishes gained through the use of these products.
Vertical Etching Written Instructions
- Clean surface to be etched with any type of window cleaner. Dry with a lint free cloth or paper towel.
- Measure and mark where the stencil is to be placed.
- Remove the release or backing paper from the back of the stencil. If using a large pattern, just remove top edge, place on marks and rub pattern down with etchall squeegee. Remove the rest of the paper slowly.
- Once stencil application is complete, carefully remove the top edge of the transfer sheet from the front of the stencil. If any glass or mirror is exposed, COVER with etchall etchmask or self-adhesive paper.
- Take the shiny release paper that you took off the back and place it over the stencil and rub down with etchall squeegee. This will make sure all pieces have adhered to surface.
- Using the etchall cut/pick knife, lift each section of pattern to be etched. Place tip of knife inside outline and lift out. Peel off slowly in case a small edge has not been cut thoroughly. If this is the case, stop and cut with knife. This may occur on tiny or very detailed areas. After all is picked, once again place the piece of release paper on top of the stencil design and rub firmly with etchall squeegee.
- You are now ready to apply etchall etching crème. Dip dense sponge into etchall crème and quickly float over entire pattern. To get a sharp even etch make sure pattern is generously covered and that the etching crème goes beyond the cut lines. Let it stand 15 minutes.
- Using your etchall squeegee, scrape the etchall etching crème back into the bucket.
- At this point, DO NOT take off the stencil pattern. Using a water dampened sponge, wipe off all etchall etching crème making sure the glass is clear and clean. Using a spray bottle of water, rinse glass as you peel off stencil. Dispose of stencil and dry glass. You now have a lovely permanently etched window, side light or shower door.
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